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"Seated in front of a hushed audience of 200 in a ballroom of the Red Lion Inn in Seattle, JZ Knight, 40, a lithe blonde dressed simply in a white tunic, taps herself on the forehead and chest and closes her eyes. After breathing rhythmically for several minutes, she leans forward with clenched fists. In a guttural voice she announces that she is Ramtha, a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit who once conquered (the mythical city) Atlantis. `You need answers,' she/he rasps. `I am here to answer you'" (People, 26 January 1987, p. 30-31).

A channel is different from a medium in that the channel is not the intermediary between the consciousness coming through them and the audience. The channel does not remain in a transfixed, altered state while channeling; rather they leave their body completely and allow the consciousness coming through to have full facility over all their bodily movements and functions. Ramtha, while being channeled through JZ Knight has the ability to open his eyes, walk, dance, eat and drink, laugh, speak, converse, and teach his students personally. [http://ramtha.com/html/pdf/introduction.pdf]

Douglas James Mahr describes what happens to J. Z. Knight, one of the most popular New Age channels, when she begins to channel an entity that calls itself Ramtha: "When Ramtha begins his appearance in the embodiment of J. Z. Knight, a completely different sensation from that of J. Z.'s embodiment is felt. The body of J. Z. Knight is still present but a totally different personality emerges--her body seems larger and stronger, bursting at the seams; the softness of J. Z.'s mannerisms and facial expressions are replaced by those of a man; body postures and gestures are surging with power; his concentration becomes an intensity, the voice is that of another knowingness." [Ramtha with Douglas James Mahr, Voyage to the New World (New York: Fawcett, 1985), p. 17. Quoted in What is the New Age movement? by Kenneth R. Wade]


Info at a Glance:
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

Channeling: Information from Beyond
James K. Walker

Let Us Reason Ministries

Also See

The Teaching Of The Spirits


Info at a Glance:

Description: Channeling occurs when someone permits a spirit entity to possess him or her usually for some form of psychic knowledge or power, e.g., psychic diagnosis or healing, or to use the person’s vocal cords to speak in order to give spiritual teachings or practical advice. Various forms of spirit communication by channeling exist, such as automatic writing, narrated visions, and inner voice dictation. In addition, many people say they channel entities who claim to be angels, even though these "angels" are indistinguishable in their methods and teachings from the spirits channeled by occultists in general.

Founder: The first recorded incident of channeling per se is found in Genesis 3:1 (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:5, 13-16).

How does it claim to work?: Channeling claims to work through a variety of means. For example, through meditation, relaxation, visualization, hypnosis, altered states of consciousness, and other methods, channelers claim the spirits are able to enter, possess, and control them much in the same manner as a puppeteer controls a puppet. Channelers claim that by permitting spirits to possess and speak through them, mankind can attain a wealth of spiritual and practical wisdom directly from spirits, who have "passed on" and are highly evolved. The spirits claim they can assist people toward true individual, social, and spiritual enlightenment.

Scientific evaluation: Certain aspects of the practice can be scientifically examined, as in parapsychological research, but science cannot evaluate the specific claims made by channelers concerning the spirit’s existence, nature, or purpose.

Examples of occult potential: Channeling is chiefly used for an endless number of occult purposes, from realizing so-called "higher" states of consciousness, to developing psychic powers, to attaining new revelations.

Major problem: Channeled spirits who claim to be wise and loving entities, or angels sent from God, are lying spirits which the Bible identifies as demons. Despite their seeming charm and benevolence, this is only a ruse to establish trust. As one channeler points out, "Guides have a vested interest in being friendly" (Laeh M. Garfield, Jack Grant, Companions in Spirit: A Guide to Working with your Spirit Helpers, Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 1984, p. 42).

Biblical/Christian evaluation: Channeling is part of what the Bible calls Christians to stand against in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18). And under the name "mediumship," it is a practice specifically forbidden (Deut. 18:9-12). The hidden purpose of the spirits is to gain the confidence of men so they can influence and control them to bring their eventual spiritual ruin (2 Cor. 4:4).

Potential dangers: Spiritual deception, occult bondage, demon possession, mental breakdown, physical harm, shortened life, financial and other risks perpetuated by fraudulent channelers, and other consequences.

Note: The New Age Movement as a whole is largely undergirded by channeled revelations and activities (cf., our The Facts on Spirit Guides, Harvest House, 1988).


Channeling: Information from Beyond
James K. Walker

People have long sought answers to spiritual questions outside God's word, the Bible. Historically these attempts at extra-biblical revelation have included new "scriptures" like the Book of Mormon or Bhagavad-gita; new prophets such as Joseph Smith; or through occultic "readings" as in astrology, or palm reading.

Lately there has been a revival of a fourth source of extra-biblical revelation. Similar to old-fashioned seances, this occultic practice involves the alleged contact with spirits of the dead who are temporarily invited inside the body of a practitioner to speak through the vocal cords of the host and give special messages from beyond the grave.

Called Spiritism in the 19th century, today this procedure is named Channelling.

    "Seated in front of a hushed audience of 200 in a ballroom of the Red Lion Inn in Seattle, JZ Knight, 40, a lith blonde dressed simply in a white tunic, taps herself on the forehead and chest and closes her eyes. After breathing rhythmically for several minutes, she leans forward with clenched fists. In a guttural voice she announces that she is Ramtha, a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit who once conquered (the mythical city) Atlantis. `You need answers,' she/he rasps. `I am here to answer you'" (People, 26 January 1987, p. 30-31).

Channelling, also known as Trance-channelling, is one of the more bizarre examples of New Age practices that are sweeping the United States and Europe. And it is not just being performed by back-alley palm readers or in gypsy camps.

Available in the New Age sections of bookseller giants like B. Dalton and Waldenbooks is a large selection of books on channelling. These include entire books dictated under the influence of channelled spirits as well as "how to" books teaching readers how to contact their own "spirit guides." The New Age Yellow Pages lists a number of non-profit organizations and educational institutions that promote channelling and the book, Channelers: A New Age Directory, contains the names and addresses of professional channelers in all fifty states and Canada.

Actual numbers are difficult to obtain. Most channelers operate independently without a central headquarters or official membership. However, the channelling movement is widespread. Two organizations alone, Spiritual Frontiers and Free Soul, boast a combination of 30,000 participants.

It is also difficult to estimate the dollar value of the channeling industry.

Charges vary widely but with more successful channelers the fees can be quite costly. Prices for the services of channelers may cost more than a visit to the family physician with some charging "up to $100 for a private session to $1,500 for a seminar" (Channelers: A New Age Directory, Robin Weston, p. 13).

ost Christians understand the desire of New Agers to seek supernatural, spiritual answers to life's challenges and questions. The problem most Christians see is that the source of these channelled messages is deceptive and dangerous.

There are three possible sources for the messages of the New Age channelers.

The Dead Masters Model
Most channelers claim to be receiving messages from the spirits of great masters, spiritual leaders, or historical figures who have through enlightenment and/or reincarnation gained spiritual truths that they now wish to impart from a higher plane beyond the grave.

These "masters" include Ramtha, a warrior who died 35,000 years ago who speaks through Knight; Mafu, a leper in first century Pompeii who speaks through Penny Torres; and Dr. Peebles, a nineteenth-century physician and philosopher who speaks through Thomas Jacobson.

Some channelers, like Helen Schucman author of A Course in Miracles, claim to channel Jesus Christ Himself (Channeling, Jon Klimo, pp. 40-41). However according to the Bible generally and the teachings of Jesus specifically, channeling is incompatible with the Christian world-view. Christians have long pointed out the warnings against communication with the dead (Duet. 18:9-15; Isa. 8:19-20).

Jesus taught that those who die - even the righteous - are not able to share truths with the living. The rich man in Hell requested that a messenger from the dead be sent to give his family an important spiritual message (a phenomena not unlike channeling). He desired that righteous Lazarus return to his family to warn them, "lest they also come into this place of torment" (Luke 16: 19-31).

As important as that message was, Jesus taught that it was not to be shared by the spirits of the dead but was to be learned through the written teachings of "Moses and the prophets" (i.e., the Bible).
Because the Bible forbids Necromancy (communication with the dead) and rejects reincarnation (Heb. 9:27), Christians should reject any claim of revelation from these sources as valid. Therefore a Biblical perspective will rule out the "dead masters" model.

The Demonic Manifestation Model
If channelers are not communicating with dead teachers, who or what have they contacted?

New Age thinker, Jon Klimo, lists a number of possible sources. He notes that besides dead humans, some channelers claim to receive messages from fairies, sprites, elves, polytheistic gods and goddesses, UFO astronauts from other planets, animals such as dolphins, and even plants (Channeling, p. 168-184).

He gives several alternate explanations to channeling other than the actual contact with the spirits of the dead, plants, animals, and gods. He suggests the possibility of psychological phenomena based on the views of Freud and Jung. He also gives other possibilities based on parapsychology, psychophysiology, physics and paraphysics.

However, Klimo only briefly deals with another alternative, a source the Bible calls a familiar spirit or a demon. Klimo mentions the fact that some channelers do speak of "non human demons, evil spirits, forces of Satan or Lucifer, and the `Dark Brotherhood'" (Channeling, p. 183). He dismisses much danger in this, however, noting that: "the vast majority of human (as well as other kinds of) spirits reported to be channeled throughout history, and especially in the present, come across as benign, loving, and helpful.

"On the whole, the majority of recorded sources appear to be a good deal more spiritually evolved and oriented than most of us" (Ibid).

By judging spirits based on "how they come across" is to ignore the Biblical warning that "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14).

The messages that demons give do not seem evil and wrong but warm and seductive. [However most messages flatly contradict Biblical Truths. See The Teaching Of The Spirits ]

    The Bible explains that "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Tim. 4:1).

In order to teach their "doctrine" these "devils" will present their messages seductively. Would this not suggest that they would attempt to, "come across as benign, loving, and helpful?"

The Bible speaks of only one "Holy" spirit but suggests many more (possibly thousands or millions) of demonic spirits (Eph. 6:12, 2 Cor. 11:4).

This is why the Bible advises its readers to "believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).

The Deceptive Manipulation Model
A third and final possibility is that the channelers are involved with some form of deception or fraud. It could be in some if not every case, that the channelers are simply good actors and actresses.
Researchers in parapsychology like early pioneer, J. B Rine (1895-1980), of Duke University, have attempted with little success to "scientifically prove" such paranormal concepts as ESP based on experiments comparing the results of "gifted" subjects with mathematical probabilities of random guesses (ESP in Life and Lab, Louisa Rhine).

Far more difficult would be any objective test or study that could verify whether channelers are telling the truth.

The public should be even more sensitive to the possibility of fraud when they remember the lucrative financial package that so often accompanies a successful channeling practice.

One former follower of J.Z. Knight's Ramtha claims to have witnessed Knight "doing Ramtha" without going into the necessary trance state saying, "she did a better job of doing Ramtha than Ramtha. In fact, we couldn't tell the difference" (Newsweek, 15 December 1986, p. 42).

Some Christians themselves become victims of fraud in the name of spiritual manifestations.

Television evangelist Peter Popoff's claims to supernaturally discern information about his followers by the power of the Holy Spirit were debunked on national television. The stage magician, James Randi, discovered that Popoff was utilizing a small radio receiver in his ear to pick up "revelations" from his wife who was off stage with a microphone (The Faith Healers).

If Christians can be deceived through the use of electronic devices and the tools of illusionists, certainly the followers of channelers should be wary of similar deception.

A basic overall theme of New Age channelers is a mixture of occultism and Eastern mysticism.
As Christian researcher Elliot Miller observed, while the methods and characters may vary, the main message always seems to be the same, "the central `truth' of this channeled `gospel' is the twin doctrines `You are God/You create your own reality'" (A Crash Course on the New Age Movement, p. 169).

Both doctrines are incompatible with Christian monotheism that teaches a personal God who is separate from his creation and that the creation has an objective reality.

A biblical approach to channeling rejects both its method and message is being ultimately demonic - regardless of its claimed sources.

As Elliot Miller concluded after a televised encounter with Penny Torres channeling Mafu: "My conclusion was that `Mafu' is probably, at best, a dissociated part of Torres's own consciousness, and at worst, her conscious creation [fraud].

    "But in any case, through practicing the biblically forbidden art of mediumship, she has become a satanically energized and guided agent of deception. In other words, even if Mafu is unreal, Torres is probably possessed" (Ibid).



Let Us Reason Ministries

The most popular trend today that brings one into the New Age Occult world view is channeling. The channeler (who is a medium) first brings them self in to a totally relaxed meditative state, what we may know as a trance. They then allow themselves to become neutral to allow another being (entity) control over their personality. Essentially you, your own personality, are out to lunch and another spirit takes over your mind and body.

You can have a space being or a higher intelligence spirit from another dimension come into your body. You can channel your higher self, your over-soul (the eternal you?) to give you fresh spiritual knowledge. Many claim they have given their lives over to these so-called alien intelligence's to help bring the golden age (new world order) here on earth; they are called walk-ins. Many New Age participants believe they themselves are either angels or aliens reincarnating on earth for this crucial transition time to help earth bring in the era of peace. Automatic writing is often used by the spirits to communicate; also astral travel, dreams and visions, and prophecy. Other beings announce themselves as the inner counselors claiming they’re a spirit guide that has always been with you (familiar spirits the Bible calls them), they are not limited to any form. They can range from an animal creature, to an angel of light mostly dubbing themselves the Christ energy or a legion of light. It does not matter, as long as one accepts their message they are pleased.

Almost the whole New Age Movements techniques methods and instructions are dictated by these spirit guides; this is their source of information, and this is where the deception occurs. Total trust is given to these spirit being beings since they are supposed to be higher in intelligence and much older, they naturally would have our best interests at heart, right? Wrong! When these entities first start communicating they usually lead one into thinking they are divine or god, how's that for flattery. It doesn't matter who is communicating the message, whether it is called a spirit guide, your higher self, or a space brother, the message is basically the same.

    “Humanity is learning a great lesson at this time. The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with the prime creator and all that exists. The lesson is to realize that everything is connected and that you are part of it all.”(Message from Pleiadenian Extraterrestials to Barbara Marciniak , Bringers of the dawn; teachings from the Pleadians ; as quoted in Alien Encounters chpt. 7 by Mark Eastman & Chuck Missler)

J.Z. Knight was a housewife from Washington State. She would go into an altered state, as many channeler's do, she jerked and twisted until she settled with the spirit taking over of her body. What came forth were New Age messages in a man’s voice with a strong unmistakable English accent, Ramtha claims to be a 35,000 year-old Lemurian warrior.

J.Z. Knight that channels Ramtha who would be better identified as a 35,000 year old demon spirit states, “What be you? You are God, Man expressing as God often forget that which is termed his Godhood, thus makes him grovel in the marketplace for survival. 'Tis not the way it is. You are a God that needs to remember. When you leave this audience you are no longer that which is termed mere man but you are that which is termed the Lord God of Your Totality.... God culminates himself into All That Is. When that which is emitted from himself, of thought, is felt and sent back to him, that is what you are” (Voyage to the New world, Ramtha, pp. 127, 144).

In an interview by 20/20 Knight was asked to explain reincarnation to the reporter she asked him, “If we're immortal, how can murder be wrong?” She was later portrayed as a female Charles Manson. (The Culting of America by Ron Rhodes)

    Actress Linda Evans, of TV’s Dynasty fame, was enamored enough by Ramtha's message that she moved from her Southern California mansion to the small community in Lakewood, Washington to be closer to Knight’s headquarters. Knight had gained thousands of followers and started the Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.

    Joyce DeWitt, of “Three's Company” promoted the spirit Mafu that came through another housewife Penny Torres. They also teach that we have all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe inside us there is no death only reincarnation.

Much of Hollywood has promoted or practiced the ancient contact of mediumship. It’s even become commonplace on TV and its personalities we have become familiar to and love. Hollywood just can’t seem to stay away from a good performance.

    Sharon Gless of the TV series “Cagney and Lacey” from the 80’s won the first of her two Emmy awards for best actress in 1986, she thanked Lazaris, her spirit guide for the award.

No one has been a bigger promoter of the alternative spiritual lifestyle in the media than Oprah Winfrey. She promotes reincarnation, astral travel, channeling. Richard Roper (columnist for Chicago Sun times) the windy city column from the Star Bulletin 10/1/98) comments recently on Oprah's infatuation with the spiritual and self.” She's really getting goofy with all the spiritual questing. Winfrey told TV guide she so happy she's “splendiferous” but it seems to me were watching a woman go through an almost frantic search for spiritual bliss and higher consciousness. Consider the antidote in time about Winfrey's “go there”, in which “old spirits are trying to get in touch with, Oprah says she hear the voice of slaves- they even have names and “she has come to know each of them and calls them in at will to guide her in her work.”

The idea of multi-dimensional communication and inspiration have changed the way things are being done right through the 21st century.

There are all kinds of ideas being channeled today, from Art to Music to Architecture. Tim Bradly on Maui channels ideas and blueprints for homes and buildings. He believes that natures curves have better energy than the old squares and rectangles. Luiz Antonio Gasparetto from Brazil channels artists such as Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet and Picasso. He believes the signatures on the paintings prove the genuineness of his talent.

There are known to be over 1,000 channeler's in California alone and many of the spirits call themselves Jesus, contradicting almost all that was said in the Bible. The Bible calls this entertaining spirits unaware, teachings of demons. [Also See The Teaching Of The Spirits]

Popular Names of spirits being channeled are Emmanuel, Lazarus, Seth, Lily, Mafu, Ramtha, Bashar, Kuthumi, Mentor, St. Germaine, Mary, Jesus, Merlin, Phebious, Aurora, Zolar, K17, Ashtar, Ra, Zoosh , Monka and you can name the next wave of fallen angels. They have plain names to some very exotic hard to pronounced ones. It is a spiritual assault perpetrated on the unsuspecting public that has no idea of the meaning of these spiritual matters.

Profits from teaching seminars on how to channel or hear spirit guides are up to 4 hundred million a year. A weekend is $275 per person and up to 600 to 800 people attend a seminar. The cost is $100 per person for a private sitting for 1 hour. Tapes of Lazarus are $20 a set, videos are $60. Phone channeling is available at $53 per half hour charged to your MasterCard. We have all the wonders of modern technology, with holding hands to ancient paganism of the past.

Techniques, methods and instructions for the New Age Movement are dictated by their spirit guides. They use psychological principles and Spiritual Language to entice and charm the people. Words communicated have the themes of peace, harmony, brotherhood, oneness, love and a new era. These are all the things we as humanity hope and strive for. Their speaking of God and Love disguise their motives and they deceptively appear as good and friendly benevolent beings, which they are not.

Meredith Lady Young, a New Hampshire publisher, channeled her “higher Self” in Agartha: A journey to the Stars. “We [channeling spirits] are an energy, multidimensional beings from another more spiritually evolved plane. Our aim is one of positive reinforcement to further man's development.... The human race must recognize its deeply buried bond with Universal Energy or no significant spiritual growth is possible” (p. 31)

The technique of the channeler’s mind, body, mouth (And hand’s in “automatic handwriting), being subject to the spirit using them is an old one. Sir John Eccles the Nobel-Prize-winning brain researcher called the brain “a machine that a ghost can operate.” Under normal living conditions our own spirit is in control that operates the brain-but if left or its faculty reduced it can and might take over by another. This can occur by meditation and other altered states. In the New Age publication Spirit Speaks, one of these “guides” explains that when a person's mind is active and thinking it “stops” them from “coming through'“ But, when the mind is emptied of thought it creates a “communicating channel” for them. (Life in the Spirit World, issue 7, page 38). In other words a passive state like meditation is perfect habitation for them to extend their control through the human vessel.

Many begin with an experimentation in what seems to be harmless fun but is the occult. The 1972 best seller Seth Speaks had made Jane Roberts, a housewife from Elmira, New York become a prominent channeler. She first became acquainted with the spirit realm through y the Ouija Board. As her husband and her husband began searching for spiritual answers an entity who called himself by the Biblical name “Seth” spoke to them through the Ouija. What pursued were 1500 communications chronicled over the next 20 years. Roberts began accumulating the “Seth Materials” from 1963 until she died in 1984 (total sold was over six million volumes). Seth channeled twenty-three books and several tape series and interviews through Roberts. The message was a new age theme that all humans actually create their own reality from their belief system.

Roberts' widower, Rob Butts, who is in his 80’s (year 2000) still uses the Ouija Board and has Seth Network International headquartered in Eugene, Oregon. He is planning to release numerous new volumes of Seth materials Roberts had with Seth.

The trend is to have everyone become their own channeler, to have direct access to this new age wisdom through their own spirit guide.

To further the deception it can be put across as ones own higher self, in other words its the spiritual you that is eternal. “As you read this book, we encourage you to use only that information which rings true to the deepest part of your being and discard any information that does individual not. Trust your inner guidance and messages. You are a special, unique with unlimited potential. We invite you to discover more fully your own divinity” (Opening To Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide, Roman and Packer)

“Communication with creatures and spirits ... is effected in the shamanic seance; the sacred medium in trance is possessed by gods or spirits who use him or her as a means of divine transmissions.” (Joan Halifax, New Age anthropologist)

    Deut. 32:17 “they sacrifice to demons, not to God, to Gods, new arrivals that your fathers did not fear.” Spirits will always want to assume God's authority and take His place, it happened to Israel and it is written for us to learn from so we don't repeat their mistakes.

To consult a medium warranted the death penalty (Lev.20:27) murder, rape, and blasphemy were the other penalties connected to astrology and human sacrifices 2 Kings.21:5-6. It was always considered rebellion and idolatry equal to witchcraft. Because none of this leads to the true God but is experimentation in the fallen human nature and the spirit realm that we are ill equipped to venture in.


Channeling is none other than becoming demonized or even possessed. Of course the argument would be it doesn't feel like demonic possession, but then if your being deceived would they want you to know?

In the New Age publication, Spirit speaks, a “spirit guide,” explains that when a person's mind is active and thinking it “stops” them from “coming through.” But, when the mind is emptied of thought it creates a  “communicating channel” for them (Life in the Spirit world, issue 7, p.38).

It is a fact that both God and Satan (demons) can communicate with the human Spirit even through dreams and visions and altered states of consciousness.

Not all the Channeling has a good taste to it, sometimes the spirits and ascended masters can turn on each other.[From a preamble insert to CUT decree 10.00, 1987, p. 10. Also, in a CUT “Pearl of Wisdom” (Vol. 31, No. 4, January 24, 1988) the god/master Sanat Kumara through (Elizabeth Claire). Prophet condemns the following: “And therefore I say, Woe! Woe! Woe! Unto this Swami Rama [of Himalayan Institute of Pennsylvania] and all who are like him and with him, the false hierarchies out of India who have come as fallen angels, taken bodies of that blessed nation and therefore moved against her people...Let it come to pass, therefore, that they are exposed! They are exposed! They are exposed! As you name them now and demand the cutting free of all true Lightbearers who have been fastened to them by manipulation and, yes, black magic....even that Sun Myung Moon, go down! Woe! Woe! Woe! (Pp. 43-44).(as reported in SCP Newsletter vol.22:4)

Here is one fallen angel condemning another, its humorous to find counterfeits of counterfeits competing among each other for the followers.


The Ascended masters is a group of higher (or lower beings, depending how you look at them) beings living in the astral (spirit) realm. They are a self appointed counsel, a spiritual hierarchy that is to govern the affairs of the solar system and universe. They are known by the names as the Saturnian counsel, the Great White Brotherhood, the Masters of Wisdom, the ancient Masters that reveal the plans to man through the ages. They literally claim to oversee the affairs of man. What the spirit guides have been saying for over 10 years is to have the new messiah (the Christ of the Aquarian age) installed by approximately the year 2,000 or around that. Well not everything goes according to their plans but eventually it will.

Lola Davis explains the masters relation to the New Age “Christ” who resides on a different plane of consciousness from there he directs the Masters, “a group of advanced souls, most of them discarnate ... known variously as The White Brotherhood, The Great White Lodge, The Masters of Wisdom, the Hierarchy, and The Angels around the Throne.” (Lola Davis Toward a World Religion for a New Age p.186)

These Ascended masters also have a chief of which they call Sanat Kamura who lives in the central sun and gives orders for their government. The spirits who claim to be “Ascended Masters' or wise and loving entities sent from God to help us are really evil spirits the Bible identifies as fallen angels (demons) those who oppose God. How can we know this? From the anti-Biblical stand they have against the word and Jesus. They will always correct something said in Scripture, they will rarely agree.

Today the climate is changing even inside the church we find that Mary is being channeled giving message for over 10 years. And of course Jesus is too. Its a known fact many religions have been started by angels and disguised as benevolent spirits even angels like Gabriel. The church has even become open to accept this new kind of supernaturalism through messages of spirits. Also See Apparitions of The Virgin Mary

On a less serious note from the Knight-ridder News service a new channeler had arrived on the scene, “Its dozens of Barbie dolls who communicate with their owner Babara Bell of Calif... They can advise people on everything from questions about God to career advancement. “Barbie asks you to look deep within your heart,” Bell said (Christian World Report June 1,1993). Well maybe we can have puppets made of wood channel trees next. The sky is no longer the limit, when one is open to the new spiritual connection of the spiritual universe next door.


Index to The Occult


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